- STEP 161 > Keeping the end's sticky side still facing up you want to slide the vinyl until it almost reaches the end. It is important that you don't overlap the start so much that the end of your floor is no longer covered.
- STEP 162 > Now carefully lay the sticky side at the front onto your foamcore (green arrow) and move your hand over the end back and forth making sure it is nice and flat.
- STEP 163 > Now grab your scrap piece and place it flat against the top of the vinyl and move it until it can't go forwards no more. It will get stuck if you will by the bend in the wax paper.
- STEP 164 > Place your left hand under the sheet and slowly peel back the wax backing as you move the scrap against the edge at the same time. GO SLOW.
- STEP 165 > Continue like this until you reach the end and you have pulled away the entire wax backing.
- STEP 166 > Now use your hands to press along the sides. We want to make sure the edges have full contact all around.
- STEP 167 > Flip your floor to the other side and lean your X-Acto blade against the side of the foamcore edge. Use the thickness as your cutting guide. Take your time, you don't want to cut into the foamcore, just trim away the excess vinyl.
- STEP 168 > Your floor is complete. Put this aside in a safe place for now.
- STEP 169 > It's now tim eto put the edges along the ceiling which will help reinforce your grid and make you feel safer manipulating it. Simply grab one of your 34cm strips.
- STEP 170 > You want to put a line of hot glue along the spine (left image) and then align it flush with the outside of your ceiling beam and flush with the front corner (green arrow) then lower the other end onto the foamcore until it makes full contact.
- STEP 171 > You want to make sure that you are centred with none of the strip sticking past the ends (green arrows) and to be completely flat - flush - with the outside edge (red arrows).
- STEP 172 > Now we repeat the same thing with the other strip. Hot glue a line across the spine (left image) Keep right side lifted as you place, align the left corner against the front end of your ceiling (green arrow centre image) and lower the right side to make full contact when happy about your position (red arrow centre image) Last make sure you are flush against the side edge (red arrows right image).
- STEP 173 > Time to place your horizontal strips. Grab a 71cm strip, do a DRY RUN before you glue. make sure it fits perfectly. Use your X-Acto blade if you need to trim a little off to make it fit just right.
- STEP 174 > We DON'T want to glue the entire length at same time. Put a small line of hot glue on about a foot of your strip and DON'T FORGET THE SIDE.
- STEP 175 > Like on the sides, LIFT the right side of your strip a little and lower the corner ONLY pressing against the ceiling and the end of your side strip (top image green arrow) then lower the right side to make contact with the rest of the ceiling (top image red arrow). Now make sure the strip is flush with the edge of your ceiling (bottom image red arrows).
- STEP 176 > Now we want to create a barrier wall for the strip to lean agaisnt while we glue the inside globs. To do this, grab a scrap of foamcore and lay it flat on the table and push it against the side of your ceiling (red arrows) at this point raise the scrap up 90 degrees (green arrows).
- STEP 177 > Press down on your scrap to create a wall if you will (top image red arrows) and then use your fingers to press the white strip against it and align it flush against the edge (top image) Remove the scrap but keep your hand pressed down on your strip (bottom image red arrow) and place a couple of hot glue globs against the seam (bottom image green arrow).
- STEP 178 > At this point you can also lay your ceiling on it's side and press the remaining of the strip against the table.
- STEP 179 > Then just place a few hot glue globs along the seam all the way to the corner (red arrows)
- STEP 180 > Lay the ceiling back on it's front side and press the corners together (top image red arrows) and make sure your strip is flush with the side edge (bottom image green arrows).

Did you already build this Diorama ? At home or at our Star Wars Celebration Diorama Builders workshop ? Would you like to show it in the site’s GALLERY VISITORS DIORAMAS section, YES ? That is Awesome !!! You can find out all the details on how to email me your photos on the VISITORS SUBMISSIONS INFO page … When I get your photos, I will create your very own page just like this one. You may not realize it but work does inspire others to join in the fun of making Action Figure Dioramas.
NOT FOR RESALE ALL Decals, tutorials and artwork are ©FrankDiorio (dioramaworkshop.com) and offered FOR FREE to the fans – that would be you ? so you can build and display my diorama designs in your very own home. I realize I cannot control what one does with my graphics once I place them on the web, I can only ask you as one fan to another, please respect the artist and do not be that jerk who uses my designs and tutorials to build a copy of my work only to sell it on EBAY or trade/sale groups and forums. Thank You. Frank.

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