Welcome to the GALLERY MENU page. Below you can read a brief explanations of what content you will find available within each of it’s pull down menu and category button selections.
This is where you will find tons of action figure displays in all their glory. Not only my very own DIORIO DIORAMAS but your own with the return of the VISITOR DIORAMAS gallery as well. You will also see me posting photos from my personal collections, of toys and movie props, in this menu category. Within each pull down (right menu if you are using a phone) sub menu page, you will see orange category buttons (located below the social media share icons) that will help you view more specific images during your visits.
DIORIO COLLECTIBLES submenu contains 2 categories…
↑ CATEGORY #1 are photos from my personal collection of movie props that would fall outside the “kids” toys description and more into “adult” more pricey film collectibles. Some examples would be my Sideshow life size busts, Shepperton studio Star Wars helmets, life size Stormtrooper armor etc… You can click on the image above to bypass the main pull down (side if you use your phone) menu and warp directly to it’s page.
↑ CATEGORY #2 are photos from 40 years of Star Wars action figures and other fave movie licenses. Some still in boxes and packaging, some loose and some yellowed through the ages. You can click on the image above to bypass the main pull down (side if you use your phone) menu and warp directly to it’s page.
DIORIO DIORAMAS submenu contains 4 categories…
↑ CATEGORY #1 are photos of my very early diorama creations in the era of my first website – NiubNiubsUniverse.com (1999-2012) when internet was dial up and phones took images that were 300 pixels wide LOL. What you will find here are archive images of what NiubNiub fans experienced way back in the day. So don’t call your eye doctor just yet 🙂 some images maybe little bit blurry compared to today’s standards. You can click on the image above to bypass the main pull down (side if you use your phone) menu and warp directly to it’s page.
↑ CATEGORY #2 are photos from dioramas created in the modern age LOL after the decision of closing NiubNiubsUniverse.com and creating it’s new incarnation… DioramaWorkshop.com that you are on now. Photos of my personal creations will be found here and presented/taken in full HD hi res quality moving forward. You can click on the image above to bypass the main pull down (side if you use your phone) menu and warp directly to it’s page.
↑ CATEGORY #3 One of the fan fave sections at NiubNiubsUniverse.com was my cinema comparisons. As I improved my building techniques and pushed myself to try and make each new scene more and more like the actual movie set, the comparisons caused you to do even more double takes… which is which ? 🙂 Inside this category you will find all of the classic NiubNiub comparisons (in all their lower res blurry glory – sorry ahead of time for that, you know, technology of 1999 is not what it is today 🙂 and all of my NEW construction which will be FULL HD hi res quality. Take a look, can you tell the difference between the toy diorama and the movie still ? You can click on the image above to bypass the main pull down (side if you use your phone) menu and warp directly to it’s page.
↑ CATEGORY #4 is something that I hope to get off the ground soon and create for all my future dioramas. The idea is to bring the camera real close inside the diorama and bring you a close up view of all the details while giving you a tour. You know, like when buying a house 🙂 You can click on the image above to bypass the main pull down (side if you use your phone) menu and warp directly to it’s page.
VISITOR DIORAMAS submenu contains 5 categories…
↑ CATEGORY #1 I am really excited to bring back the Visitors section. At NiubNiub’s we had 100+ over the years so I am hoping we can surpass that here in 2018+ now that even more fans are building displays. The Visitors section will not be limited to only Star Wars but dioramas all around including well yes, STAR WARS 🙂 You can click on the image above to bypass the main pull down (side if you use your phone) menu and warp directly to it’s page.
↑ CATEGORY #2 But there are a lot of cool science-fiction movies that have toys out there like Star Trek, Robocop, Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, Starsghip Troopers and Terminator to name a few. If you made a science fiction diorama, it would fall under this category. I can’t wait to see what you guys have created. You can click on the image above to bypass the main pull down (side if you use your phone) menu and warp directly to it’s page.
↑ CATEGORY #3 Horror movies also make popular toys from companies like Neca and McFarlane among others. If you made a Evil Dead, Friday 13th, Hellraiser, Alien, The thing or Freddy diorama to name a few, this will be your category. You can click on the image above to bypass the main pull down (side if you use your phone) menu and warp directly to it’s page.
↑ CATEGORY #4 combines Comic Books and Super Hero movie scenes. Everything from Avengers, to 300, to batman etc… if you made a comic book diorama Let’s see it and place it in this category 🙂 You can click on the image above to bypass the main pull down (side if you use your phone) menu and warp directly to it’s page.
↑ CATEGORY #5 Last but not least, if you beat me to the punch and have video footage of a diorama you made or making of, this is the place I would love for you to share it in. I will eventually play catch up with my own 🙂 But I have seen many cool videos out there that indicate many of you could send content to share here You can click on the image above to bypass the main pull down (side if you use your phone) menu and warp directly to it’s page.
So that pretty much sums up the GALLERY MENU. Make sure to switch the Category button links on and off if need be, and HAVE FUN !!! If you have ANY questions or suggestions on how to improve the site, you can email me at DIORAMAWORKSHOP.COM@GMAIL.COM and I will reply asap. I do read ALL my mail so if you don’t get a reply within 2 weeks, write again to bug me about it 🙂