Good day everyone, It’s been a while since my last post. Real Life situations have slowed down progress on my latest build but all is good now. With prototype design construction on ALL 3 accessories now complete, I can concentrate on the Tutorial Editing for the next phase of the MEGA DEATH STAR DIORAMA project : The DOCKING BAY CONTROL ROOM (or RED ROOM as I like to call it)
The Red Room consists of the room itself – Death Star wall panels including the 8 RED Curved console area – but also a BAY WINDOW, CLOSET and POWER UNIT. Because these could be considered 3 accessory items that could also be placed in other parts of your own Death Star design, I decided to divide the instructions into 4 individual parts, which will also prevent the YouTube tutorial to be 8 hours long 🙂
So July will see the uploading of my latest creations in this order… Power Unit, Windows, Closet and finally the Red Room itself where everything fits together to recreate the actual movie set for your Hasbro 3.75″ figures.
As a THANK YOU for current Patrons patience in this unplanned delay (Original plan was YouTube back in March) I have decided to create this unique SPECIAL OFFER to receive FREE DECALS and BLUEPRINTS for this build. Of course this will include NEW MEMBERS as well.
Depending on the tier you select, I will send you by mail up to 3 of the Accessory Kits of your choice FOR FREE saving you the cost to purchase them at my Diorio Dioramas Etsy Shop. VIP Tier will receive ALL 3 accessories PLUS the ACTUAL RED CONTROL ROOM KIT as well. Click on the image below to warp to my Patreon.
Offer will end at the end of this year, 2024.
If you were waiting to upscale from the FREE TIER to one of my PAID TIERS this might be a good time for you to do so. I appreciate ALL of your support, it means a lot to me to see how many of you enjoy my artwork and wish to continue seeing new scenes built in the future.
Have a great weekend, ciao for now. Frank