- DAY 2 - MAY 25 021 > Here you can see on the left side after a few gaps have been filled in how you start to get the feel and look of the movie set platforms that will connect and spiral around the builders trees.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 022 > The technique was so simple that all ages were able to build and parents got to help the younger ones learn the fun of arts and crafts and the hobby of diorama building.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 023 > Here is a better view of one of the starting templates that create the wire base rounded shape. Foamcore and lollipop sticks 🙂 Just take your wire and wrap it around the sticks and glue some mini bamboo logs to keep them in this position.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 024 > Once your trees were painted - just a simple dry coat of darker brown to make the bark really POP and look more like real wood, fans could start placing their platforms around them to get a feel of where they would want it glued to before placing the huts onto them later on.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 025 > Here you can really see it come to life even before the railings are attached to the outside edges of the platform. What is cool about my design is that the basic build technique was the same, but where to place it and at what height was totally up to the fans making no 2 trees exactly the same 🙂
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 026 > As the day progressed more and more spiral platforms started making their way onto the builders trees.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 027 > Mark Patton who has been with the team for over a decade helps out some of the fans with tips on what options they had to build after making their tree shape.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 028 > At the end corner of our booth Pat continued his Ewok painting classes for all ages. The kids really loved painting - who doesn't right ? - and once done and dry, would become part of the Ewok tripe that inhabit the Endor diorama
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 029 > Even the adults got into the action of painting the little critters.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 030 > Pat also brought his own custom Vader Pire to be placed into the completed diorama sunday. Really cool and really great job on this idea.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 031 > Those who didn't want to take the time to build trees and platforms could make Ewok Gliders that we would hang high above the tree tops. I used the movie stills and hasbro toys to modify the design and get something that was easy to make in a short amount of time and look just like the movie.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 032 > Even young kids could make these easily and as you can see, because the core used real wreath branches, no 2 gliders were exactly alike.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 033 > Day is halfway done and we have a ton of painted trees now waiting to dry as well as all those bridges and Ewok gliders. I knew by now that this was going to be a really fun convention workshop for the fans and by the end of Sunday, we would have a really BIG Endor forest 🙂
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 034 > One of the things that my team loves to do at each show is build some of the more elaborate centre pieces from the movie scene we are working on that year. For Return of the Jedi, Luke's meeting with Vader took place on a massive AT-AT / Imperial Shuttle landing platform. I had created a quick prototype for scale in San Francisco before the show because I knew time was very limited for such a huge model once at the show. So here you can see Jamie figuring out how to expand upon it and build the remaining pieces.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 035 > Scott Strong who joined our core team for more than a decade now, was a fan who came to build and just asked if he could help out with Jamie on his build. Of course you can ! and I'm glad I said yes as it really helped move things along. Here he is cutting up all the tiny tiny raling details.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 036 > After a couple of hours by the end of the day, The platform was really taking shape. Look at the size of that thing !!!
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 037 > Again having so much space, the largest (apart from Celebration VI) allowed Scott and Jamie to work in a corner and not be disturbed and most important, not take up valuable table space at the builders tables. This way the fans could still enter and we could continue building without getting in their way 🙂
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 038 > The end of the day is near but that never stops builders to keep arriving or wanting to stay all day with us to work on their builds.
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 039 > Having all the fans and families work side by side and help each other with questions if they can't find me or one of my team is what makes the Diorama Builders so special a place to be at during Celebration. And really the reason I have returned to EVERY USA convention since 2002 for the past 20 years (come Celebration 2022)
- DAY 2 - MAY 25 040 > Look at how some of the builds turned out so far. We have one family who each kid made 1 tree and then the parents built a platform and bridge to connect them together.

Did you attend our Celebration Diorama Booth ? If you came to build a piece of ENDOR , please don’t be shy and leave your experiences in the comments below. Even better, you can share them with other fans in the site’s GALLERY VISITORS DIORAMAS section. You can find out all the details on how to email me your photos on the VISITORS SUBMISSIONS INFO page … When I get your photos, I will create your very own page just like this one. You may not realize it but work does inspire others to join in the fun of making Action Figure Dioramas.

If you have a facebook account, why not join the Official Diorama Builders Fan Club today, simply click the logo link below.
Catch up with fellow visitors and exchange stories, read cool interviews with the crew, exchange photos, fun surprises and grab some FAN ONLY merchandise next year at actual future conventions ?
ALL Decals, tutorials and artwork are ©FrankDiorio (dioramaworkshop.com) and offered FOR FREE to the fans – that would be you ? so you can build and display my diorama designs in your very own home. I realize I cannot control what one does with my graphics once I place them on the web, I can only ask you as one fan to another, please respect the artist and do not be that jerk who uses my designs and tutorials to build a copy of my work only to sell it on EBAY or trade/sale groups and forums. Thank You. Frank.
©2021 Frank Diorio DioramaWorkshop.Com