- SET UP - MAY 02 > Paint paint and paint, Lucky I was wearing black LOL. This girl, I forget her name, had come to Indianapolis all the way from Australia to be at the convention. How amazing is that. Throughout the decades, I will come to see just how many fans from all countries around the world have come to the booth to build my diorama projects.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Look at my younger self all serious with the paint roller. Who's idea was it not to get a bigger one. oh yeah, me LOL.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Dan Ramsey and Fellow Indy Knighter Laura Johnson help paint the podiums.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Seems I wasn't the only one wishing for bigger rollers 😛
- SET UP - MAY 02 > paint paint keep on painting. At this point we were wishing someone would have brought some music. Remember the iphone was still 5 years away at this point, no itunes yet and certainly not when everyone had a phones.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Almost done, we can soon move on to finishing set up for the rest of the room.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Our extra tables finally arrived so it was time to pull out the plans and figure out where to place them.
- SET UP - MAY 02 >Time to get the diorama base together. We bought 4 sheets of plywood, Brian Hancock and Brad Weatherholt helped screw them together.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > In order for the sawdust to stay on the table and not all over the carpet, We decided it would be a good idea to use duck tape on all the joints. The wood was not even, but being Mos Eisley, that would made it look more real. Brian Hancock was the only person brave enough to volunteer for this task. The rest of us thought we would crash right through the table 🙂
- SET UP - MAY 02 > 1:00 PM...Where are my tables and barrier ropes? Talking with someone from the convention centre trying to figure things out. With all the planning, I am sure I wasn't the only room missing items. Dan Ramsey and Ryan Aubrey are the cool dudes in the yellow shirts.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Once we discovered where the bathroom was - just outside the exit doors - we had to change my layout design and figure out just how we were going to keep plaster, paint and water from staining all the carpet.
- SET UP - MAY 02 >You can't make Mos Eisley without Plaster and Paint 🙂 Time to lay out our "WET" area. Here I am on the left discussing our plan of attack with Dan and the rest of the Indy Knights...Deron Price, Chad Wilson, Brad Weatherholt and I forget the last name. If you see yourself...send me an email 🙂
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Dan starts to spread the plastic tarps as the rest of us move the tables out of the way. Dan will start putting duck tape to secure the plastic to the floor. All the while, my art supplies finally arrive. Yeah 🙂
- SET UP - MAY 02 > 7:00 PM...I am starting to set up the dioramas for display. Here I am fixing the lights on the Millennium Falcon. A crowd Favourite 🙂 On the left you can see my gungan Head and on the right, Joe Amaro's awesome Jedi High Council. I was so happy that he was able to bring it to the workshop for display.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > As I said earlier, having the luxury to drive to the show allowed me to transport some of my diorama work for fans to see in person for the very first time outside of Montreal. I had just finished the Millennium Falcon blastshield Training so that was a no brainer to tag along 🙂
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Another fan fave was the Echo Base Bacta Tank, complete with pink Dippidy Doo Hair Gel, the perfect illusion of floating bubbles for the photo op and doesn't harm the action figure.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Now I didn't want the gallery to be just about ME - my head isn't that inflated ;P - and so I offered the opportunity of my fans to display with me if they could transport their builds to the show. This Jedi Council was created by Joe Amaro who was a huge inspiration on look and technique for mine when I built it back home after the show.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > It turned out really great by coincidence to have 2 doors on opposite sides of the double room. This allowed the Diorama Gallery photo op to be along the full wall where people could enter and exit to view and take photos without the need to enter the work zone and get all messy - unless they wanted to of course 🙂
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Well here you see the final line up all ready to go. This is really from Friday Morning but pretend it's Thursday night 🙂 First on the right was Jason garner's Bespin Bolier Room diorama. Then Joe Amaro's Jedi council followed by my falcon, Leia's Plans and Gungan Sacred Head sculpt. Hidden behind that was Eric Plummer's Awesome Tantive IV Hallway. My bacta Medical Centre, Vader's Secret, Carbon Freezing chamber and finally Jason Garner's Dagobah Training. It was SO awesome to be able to share the spotlight with these guys. Their work is extraordinary and can be viewed in my Visitors Section.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > As we were leaving, the union guys had finally arrived to hang the giant banner ( Facing the wrong dirrection - a fact we would only discover mid day tomorrow and unfortunately, be too late to flip around so fans would know where we were located.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > After a great steak dinner with Lucie, we crashed at our hotel room and I took a few notes in my diary so that I would know what to change next time if there ever would be one. At this point it was still WAY too early to even think about returning and if we were a success or not. Remember this was all a TEST that Lucasfilm Mary Franklin was gambling on. And now a debt I will forever be grateful to (as Philip Wise for making the introduction) and never forget.

Did you attend our Celebration Diorama Booth ? If you came to build a piece of ENDOR , please don’t be shy and leave your experiences in the comments below. Even better, you can share them with other fans in the site’s GALLERY VISITORS DIORAMAS section. You can find out all the details on how to email me your photos on the VISITORS SUBMISSIONS INFO page … When I get your photos, I will create your very own page just like this one. You may not realize it but work does inspire others to join in the fun of making Action Figure Dioramas.

If you have a facebook account, why not join the Official Diorama Builders Fan Club today, simply click the logo link below.
Catch up with fellow visitors and exchange stories, read cool interviews with the crew, exchange photos, fun surprises and grab some FAN ONLY merchandise next year at actual future conventions ?
ALL Decals, tutorials and artwork are ©FrankDiorio (dioramaworkshop.com) and offered FOR FREE to the fans – that would be you ? so you can build and display my diorama designs in your very own home. I realize I cannot control what one does with my graphics once I place them on the web, I can only ask you as one fan to another, please respect the artist and do not be that jerk who uses my designs and tutorials to build a copy of my work only to sell it on EBAY or trade/sale groups and forums. Thank You. Frank.
©2021 Frank Diorio DioramaWorkshop.Com