- CONSTRUCTION DAY ONE - MAY 03 > Because Indianapolis was close enough to Montreal, where I lived at the time, I knew I would be able to drive there and carry a lot of supplies in my rented mini van. So I knew I would be able to bring some of my dioramas for public exhibit and in order to allow that I asked a friend if I could use his wood shop to make some display stands.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > The design was simple enough, 4 mdf strips would be glued together to create a box support base.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Clamps were used to hold the pieces in place until the elmers wood glue would dry and the nail gun could secure the pieces together even tighter.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > All of the boxes are done. You could see the height varied because some of the dioramas were taller than others and I wanted everything to be kind of at same eye level.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > The tops had a centered square attached to the bottom that would fit perfectly inside the box stands.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Last thing to do was little stands to place in front of each diorama with it's name and stats information. The painting was going to be done at the convention center to avoid scratching them up in the van.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Can you believe this? If we had any more dioramas to bring the Mini-Van would explode 🙂 I managed to fit all the podium pieces, 6 of my dioramas, a garbage bag full of sawdust, our suitcases and art supplies.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > After a pitstop in Toronto, we headed back really early and had a lovely rainbow show us the way to what would become 2 decades of Star Wars Celebration fun.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Getting closer ... Taking the offramp
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Arriving at a very eerie quiet Convention Centre. Where is everybody ? Oh yeah, it's the day BEFORE the public arrives 🙂
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Inside the Convention Centre at 9:00 AM. This is where it all started 🙂 The booth at the right was security and volunteers headquarters. Right across from that was the Diorama Workshop. If you look up to the left, count 3 signs, then look down. That's my sign 🙂 The entrance was at door 116 and the exit further down at 117. If you continued straight down the hall, you would enter the giant exposition area where Hasbro, the dealers and the Autographs were all held.
SET UP - MAY 02 > Once inside I saw a pile of chairs and some tables but not the number that was agreed to in my contract with Lucaasfilm, so we had to wait a while (my first panic of the day and many more to follow at every future conventions to come LOL) for that to arrive later in the day.
The room was actually 2 rooms with an accordion type door that created a double space.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Now the very BORING part that I have hated the most at every show ... unpacking the car / mini van and bring all our supplies inside our booth (room in this years case)
SET UP - MAY 02 > My close friend Lucie that I met in University joined me on this adventure and acted as camera woman for the entire show. It's because of her we have these images and the lost footage documentary you can see on my Facebook channel.
While I went for another trip to the van, Lucie stayed behind and started assembling the stands and get the paint ready for our Indy Knights helpers.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Just a little after 1pm Philip Wise (from RebelScum at the time) Dropped by the booth to show me the giant banner he printed for the show.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > It was so cool to see art on a banner you created for a convention experience that you have no idea what to expect. The energy started to get really exciting.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > 9:30 AM...Is this my room? where are all the tables? When we arrived we were missing 18 tables and the layout was not what was designed. Seemed there was a mixup with another room. On the other hand, my jaw dropped wide open when I entered. Did you see the size of this room? Awesome.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > First thing we did was assemble all the podiums. The columns fit into the grooves on their bases and on the left you could see the stands I created to place the Biography Information for each diorama.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > Some of the volounteers from Indy (indianapolis) Knights fan club joined us asking how they could help.
- SET UP - MAY 02 > 10:30 AM...Start Painting the podiums. A simple design that looked very elegant once painted in black. I was so happy to have the gang from Indy Knights come by and help out with te set up. Some like Kerryn, coming all the way from Australia. Now that's a Star Wars fan 🙂

Did you attend our Celebration Diorama Booth ? If you came to build a piece of ENDOR , please don’t be shy and leave your experiences in the comments below. Even better, you can share them with other fans in the site’s GALLERY VISITORS DIORAMAS section. You can find out all the details on how to email me your photos on the VISITORS SUBMISSIONS INFO page … When I get your photos, I will create your very own page just like this one. You may not realize it but work does inspire others to join in the fun of making Action Figure Dioramas.

If you have a facebook account, why not join the Official Diorama Builders Fan Club today, simply click the logo link below.
Catch up with fellow visitors and exchange stories, read cool interviews with the crew, exchange photos, fun surprises and grab some FAN ONLY merchandise next year at actual future conventions ?
ALL Decals, tutorials and artwork are ©FrankDiorio (dioramaworkshop.com) and offered FOR FREE to the fans – that would be you ? so you can build and display my diorama designs in your very own home. I realize I cannot control what one does with my graphics once I place them on the web, I can only ask you as one fan to another, please respect the artist and do not be that jerk who uses my designs and tutorials to build a copy of my work only to sell it on EBAY or trade/sale groups and forums. Thank You. Frank.
©2021 Frank Diorio DioramaWorkshop.Com