- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > Driving towards the convention centre, Lucie and I were surprised there was a MARATHON !!! on the same day as the Star Wars convention !!!
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > Very cool but having the streets blocked and a sea of runners have you trapped between your hotel and the Diorama booth was not the way I wanted to start the day LOL.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > After 25 minutes or so, the police finally cleared the barricade and we were allowed to proceed to the convention centre. But we lost precious time needed to clean up a little and set things up before the public arrival.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > We thought the line up around the 3 blocks was long yesterday, we were surprised how much larger it was today. Remember this was my first convention. I didn't know what to expect. How crazy was the booth going to get today ?
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > The long walk to our Diorama Builders booth before the public enters is always one of the coolest experiences for this geek 🙂 The quiet before the storm LOL.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > Here is my beautiful sign Lucasfilm made for me...Isn't it purrrty? 🙂 Best thing is that I have it hanging on my wall now - hee hee.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > Here you can get a better idea of how the double room worked to our advantage. Public was able to enter at door 116 - come build or take photos along the Diorama Gallery wall and exit at door 117.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > The only hiccup we really had that you can clearly see here - is that the teamsters hung our booth sign facing the wrong way 🙁 The main ballroom was all the way down this corridor so the flow of the queues was in the direction of the green arrow. Our sign (red arrow) was a nice white rectangle for them to look at, thus 90% of the fans didn't know we existed unless they peeked their head into our room when passing the door. Problem solved in all future workshops when our booth was placed in the major main open areas.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > Paul Krautter and his son Christian, having a dad around to help you out is so cool. Plus it doesn't hurt when he works in making buildings as a living 🙂 LOL
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > Looking at all the masking tape holding it together looks a bit messy now, but when covered and re-enforced with plaster and painted will look amazing.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > Now this is one MAJOR Mos Eisley Dwelling. Paul and Christian are starting to apply the plaster strips. Probably will be turned into a Hotel run by the Hutts ;P I personally liked how it had a little Episode I Slave Quarters vibe to it.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > Yesterday half of the Docking Bay 94 walls were completed, now we needed to finish the build today if possible.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > Time for the outer wall. Not only does this look cool but it will add structural strength to the docking bay. Because of it's gigantic proportions, you don't want it to crumble when you pick it up.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > I remember this lady came up all confused that people were having so much fun getting their hands all dirty doing arts and craft Star Wars dioramas "You do this often ?" priceless LOL. YES WE DO !!! 🙂
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > Let the plastering begin. Well we actually ran out of plaster 🙁 So we are putting "Papier Mache"
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > A small army cuts and assembles the roof portion of the docking bay.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > Our base coat is coming along. Can you see the details of all the columns inside the circle?
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > You can see me here giving a quick lesson to the fans how to apply the plaster to give it that "stukko" movie look.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > You can see 4 of the T-Shirts I was allowed to sell at the show. I never did merch before. I was allowed to sell 25. I wish I had kept 1 of each for myself. I wonder if I even still have the art for these ?
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > The wet zone got busy early this morning. Many fans having done their house construction yesterday could just jump into this phase right away.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > The table didn't stay this clean for very long 🙂 Ha ha ha.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > After a coat of plaster bandages, you can see L.E. Spry brushing on a coat of plaster of paris. This will give you the "stukko" look of the Mos Eisley landscape.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > Almost done, then the wait for it to dry couple of hours before painting.
- CONSTRUCTION DAY TWO - MAY 04 > On saturday morning we ran out of plaster bandages and had to switch to a "papier mache" technique. We cut strips of newspaper and dipped them into a plaster mixture. the reason for doing this is that the Plaster of Paris does not stick to foamcore. It slides right off. We need to apply a surface that will attach to the plaster.

Did you attend our Celebration Diorama Booth ? If you came to build a piece of ENDOR , please don’t be shy and leave your experiences in the comments below. Even better, you can share them with other fans in the site’s GALLERY VISITORS DIORAMAS section. You can find out all the details on how to email me your photos on the VISITORS SUBMISSIONS INFO page … When I get your photos, I will create your very own page just like this one. You may not realize it but work does inspire others to join in the fun of making Action Figure Dioramas.

If you have a facebook account, why not join the Official Diorama Builders Fan Club today, simply click the logo link below.
Catch up with fellow visitors and exchange stories, read cool interviews with the crew, exchange photos, fun surprises and grab some FAN ONLY merchandise next year at actual future conventions ?
ALL Decals, tutorials and artwork are ©FrankDiorio (dioramaworkshop.com) and offered FOR FREE to the fans – that would be you ? so you can build and display my diorama designs in your very own home. I realize I cannot control what one does with my graphics once I place them on the web, I can only ask you as one fan to another, please respect the artist and do not be that jerk who uses my designs and tutorials to build a copy of my work only to sell it on EBAY or trade/sale groups and forums. Thank You. Frank.
©2021 Frank Diorio DioramaWorkshop.Com