- Day 1 at Atelier Nord, My school mate Marc's workshop. He was too kind to spend the weekends with us trying to build our Lifesize Death Star panels. My friend Elie is seen here getting the wood ready for cutting.
- 14 panels of 8 feet high will be needed to make the main entrance of the Diorama Workshop.
- Detail Templates are cut in order to start production of all the needed pieces.
- Elie checks the measurements of the detail pieces.
- The bottom and top of each panel has these vent like shapes. It took forever to cut them all. I would NEVER have been able to do this at home in my basement.
- Stacked details for the vertical vents.
- The top and bottom detail pieces of each panel looks like this.
- And how they fit on top of the main wall unit.
- This shape might seem very familiar to all of you 🙂
- They should sell these at IKEA 🙂
- The trick is to apply glue to the wood before nailing.
- It helps bond the pieces much tighter, almost melding them into one piece.
- Here I am carefully aligning the Neon detail onto the wall unit.
- The details now in place, I am searching for whee I misplaced the pneumatic nail gun 😛
- Elie and I nailing the details into place. These guns are SO much fun to work with compared to a hammer and nails.
- Quick sketch of how the pieces connect so that we are sure to not attach the details upside down or on the wrong sides.
- Elie working on one of the triangle wall units.
- Close up of the nail gun. Now if only the company could figure out how to not have the nails jam after every refill - LOL
- Marc starts to place guides for attaching the wall units together.
- We decided the easiest way to do so was to use door hinges. The cost is pretty cheap and all that would have to be done in Indianapolis, would be to insert the connection pegs. NO screwing needed.

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