video making ofYouTube EPISODE V : HOTH ECHO BASE CONSOLE “C”
Hi everyone, hope you are well today. Did you have a great weekend ? Because of the many requests I have been receiving during the past couple of months for these decals, I decided to take a pause in the Death Star and do a 2021 Deluxification – Yes I am OWNING that invented word 🙂 You will see in couple of years everyone will be using it LOL – of the 3nd variation of the 3 Hoth convention Echo Base Rebel consoles : the “C” style like never seen before. In 2010 I had never had the time to finish this design as intended for the convention. I had only time to finish the main 2 front decals. The body was just painted basic foamcore. Well NO MORE 🙂 As I have elevated the Decals to do full wrap around of all the original 2010 pieces. Today’s Console “C” looks finished like in the movie and now can sit proudly next to the “A” and “B” consoles. .
I have already Deluxified the “A” and “B” Decals and Blueprints, and now the final “C” video allows you to build any or ALL of the intended Hoth designs from the Echo Base Diorama Builders workshop. Celebration V was my MOST CHERISHED of conventions in the past 19 years. It was one of the coolest to design, fans loved making it, and my crew really gelled that year like a perfectly oiled machine. If at any time you want to go see what we experienced in 2010, you can scroll though the various photos in the site’s SW CELEBRATION 5 menu section. If you attended the workshop back in 2010, send me an email DIORAMAWORKSHOP.COM@GMAIL.COM I’d love to hear from you and get your thoughts on this improved console design. Do you aprove or prefer the original build ?. . You can press PLAY on the embedded clip above or watch it direct (with a ton of other videos) on the DIORAMA WORKSHOP YOU TUBE CHANNEL . Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE 🙂 Now that I have the time in retirement, there will be a LOT more videos added in the next couple months than there were in the past years. I can’t wait 🙂 Sit back and Enjoy the show !!! Chat again soon. Frank.
. X