• Welcome to the FIRST UPDATE of 2020 ! From the KING of PROCRASTINATION 😛 Well, usually that is true, sadly LOL but I was stuck with real world issues that were preventing me from having ANY spare time for my site or my hobby, well that is about to change big time !!! .
•By the way, you can still use the LATEST NEWS pull down menu to see what NEW MAJOR POSTS have been added to the site since your last visit, but if you want to find out what I am up do in between the time those stories appear, then THIS is THE PLACE you will find that 🙂 It is the PERFECT PLACE on the site to START YOUR DAY. So Grab a coffee or your fave drink, and catch up the the daily scoop. . • So now that I have the time to start being creative again, I thought I would give you a heads up of what my plans are in my head for the upcoming months…. Build Build Build 🙂 and Film Film Film. I am so far behind in Celebration Diorama Build Instructions that I am taking full advantage now that we have YouTube and Hi Res videos to film all of my making of’s and finally bringing to you all of the instructions that I created for the fans to build with at our Star Wars Celebration Diorama Builder Workshop Booths of the past 20 years. . • I will start with modifying the Celebration III Death Star designs to DELUXE versions with Light Up Ceilings and include the rooms I did not have the time to complete prototypes for at the show back in 2005, including the White Control room, Gunner Halls, Ben Force Field Console to name a few. After that I will move on to the EWOKS and ENDOR and make my way up to last years Scarif FFG Table Top gaming instructions . • Make sure to check the site for when these instructions, Decals, Blueprints will become available and also YouTube. If you haven’t yet subscribed, please do so, you can warp to it by clicking on THIS LINK. . • So enjoy the summer, enjoy the pictures and videos, and let me know if you build your own by sending your photos for the VISITOR GALLERY. Ciao for now, I’m really excited to have the time now to get back into the hobby. Frank..
.. .X .
If you attended one of our Star Wars Celebration Diorama Builders workshops and have a Facebook account, why not JOIN the OFFICIAL DIORAMA BUILDERS FAN CLUB group today !! X Catch up with fellow visitors and exchange stories, read cool interviews with the crew, exchange photos, fun surprises and grab some FAN ONLY merchandise next year at actual future conventions ? X