diorio dioramas hd fullscreen TATOOINE : MOS EISLEY / ESPA STREETS
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Completed August 12 2022 X
Finally I have gotten around to making NEW Tutorials for the builds I designed back in 2002 for my very FIRST Diorama Builders Workshop booth at Star Wars Celebration 2 in Indianapolis. Once you have completed your Large and Small houses and anyone in between 🙂 You are ready to place them side by side on a shelf and recreate the Mos Eisley and Mos Espa streets you see in the movies on Tatooine. I used Saw Dust instead of sand just like I did 20 years ago at the convention. Plus I like it better because it is lighter and easier to clean. Have you ever gone to the beach ? 😛 What really brings this diorama to life though is all of the figures Hasbro has made over the past 40 years. Just sprinkle them around the set. You will get an instant smile I promise :D. .
The Best part of making a Tatooine diorama is that everyone will have a different version based on the shelf space in your home and the figures you collected through the years. But they ALL will have the exact same FEEL as the movie due to the houses architecture and dome designs. plus you can just keep it growing and growing by adding new houses any time you feel like it 🙂 X
Do you want to build this diorama for your own home and display your action figures like you see here ? Visit the tutorials SPEED INDEX page to find out if step by step MAKING OF instructions, DECALSdownloads, BLUEPRINTS downloads, VIDEO MAKING OF tutorials, ART SUPPLIES material list are available for this build. If it is not available you can always send me an email request atDIORAMAWORKSHOP.COM@GMAIL.COM – and I will try and prioritize this for you.X X
Did you also build this Diorama ? Would you like to show it in the site’s GALLERY VISITORS DIORAMAS section, yes ? THAT IS AWESOME !!! You can find out all the details on how to email me your photos on the VISITORS SUBMISSIONS INFO page … When I get your photos, I will create your very own page just like this one. You may not realize it but work does inspire others to join in the fun of making Action Figure Dioramas. X
If you attended one of our Star Wars Celebration Diorama Builders workshops and have a Facebook account, why not JOIN the OFFICIAL DIORAMA BUILDERS FAN CLUB group today !! X Catch up with fellow visitors and exchange stories, read cool interviews with the crew, exchange photos, fun surprises and grab some FAN ONLY merchandise next year at actual future conventions 🙂 X