diorio dioramas retro niubniub DEATH STAR JEDI DUEL
You can CLICK on ANY PHOTO above to see it Full Size. Sorry for the low res quality. These Classic NiubNiub era photos were taken way before high speed internet and today’s smart phones and HD cameras were available. But I thought still fun to see my history than not at all right ? 🙂 Use the side arrows to scroll through the photo gallery. X
Completed April 12 2002 X
This scene was part of my first phase dioramas, where I didn’t bother with movie accuracy as long as it fit on the 14″ deep wall shelves of my basement diorama room. Having never made dioramas before (apart from model kits as a kid) this technique using simple dollar store items and beginner techniques was a great way to slowly dip my toes into the Diorama hobby 🙂 X
The main memory I have of this scene is how I wish I had a COLOR printer LOL Look at how old this first creation is with my first generation Death Star Decals that were ALL GREYSCALE. SO early 2000’s 🙂 The scene was basic and far from anything movie accurate like the Death Star instructions you see onsite today. Still it is what started me into loving to display figures. part of Frank history 🙂 X
Do you want to build this diorama for your own home and display your action figures like you see here ? Visit the tutorials SPEED INDEX page to find out if step by step MAKING OF instructions, DECALSdownloads, BLUEPRINTS downloads, VIDEO MAKING OF tutorials, ART SUPPLIES material list are available for this build. If it is not available you can always send me an email request atDIORAMAWORKSHOP.COM@GMAIL.COM – and I will try and prioritize this for you.X X
Did you also build this Diorama ? Would you like to show it in the site’s GALLERY VISITORS DIORAMAS section, yes ? THAT IS AWESOME !!! You can find out all the details on how to email me your photos on the VISITORS SUBMISSIONS INFO page … When I get your photos, I will create your very own page just like this one. You may not realize it but work does inspire others to join in the fun of making Action Figure Dioramas. X