Orlando, FL, USA from August 16 to 19 2012
production Celebration VI BUILDERS SWAG GIVE AWAYS
Welcome to the OFFICIAL Star Wars Celebration VI Return to Tatooine Diorama Builders workshop site featuring my EXCLUSIVE CREW COVERAGE not seen anywhere else on the web.
Thursday, August 16 2012.
One of the FUN things to do at every convention is to give FREE STUFF to the fans as a thank you for coming to our booth, this is what is called SWAG. Be it T-Shirts, Pins, Caps, Iron ons, Patches, Stickers… you name it fans want it and LOVE IT 🙂 so Every time we return, I try and create something different that was not offered before, and of course, since the themes change every time, specific gice aways ONLY available at the show are very limited – sometimes 100 is the MAX run. So these have become very precious to some builders who have returned to see us every other year as we return to each USA convention. So below, you will get to see the various items and designs that I created for Star Wars Celebration 2012.
OFFICIAL BADGES: Well you can’t have Tatooine experience without having our very own ACCESS BADGE now can we ? 🙂 I was thrilled to once again have the honor of Lucasfilm and Reed Pop print these aweome BADGES for us. These are the SAME BADGES you get to enter the convention but with my design 🙂 If you want to complete your set of EVERY OFFICIAL BADGE made for the convention, then you will need to come BUILD with us in Orlando. 1 BADGE per person will be handed out to builders while quantities last.
OFFICIAL KIDS TEMPORARY TATOOS: Every convention we try to find a fun way to make people smile because hey – we KNOW YOU LOVE to get FREE STUFF right ? 🙂 This year was something brand new that kids could put on, wear right away if they wanted to display their tattoos during the convention. 1 Tattoo design per day per person was handed out to builders while quantities last. The Tribal Tattoo design is for GROUP BUILDERS ONLY and the 10 YEAR X TATTOO is for ALL who DONATED to the FIGURE FUND as well as the regular 4 designs for a complete set of 5.
OFFICIAL 2012 T-SHIRT: The Diorama Workshop will also have a ROCKIN TUSKEN Giveaway T-shirt. This “Appetite for Foamcore” EXCLUSIVE Celebration VI T is VERY LIMITED and will be given away to GROUP BUILDERS who help build the 1:1 Hasbro figure scale JABBA SAILBARGE and JAWA SANDCRAWLER as well as workshop Groupies as their thank you for ALL the HARD work. Make sure to show up early, they are sure to go fast.
CREW VINTAGE T-SHIRTS: This year we thought it be fun to also design 1970’s VINTAGE Staff STYLE D T-shirts. There are 4 styles this year that will help you identify the Staff and I when building Tatooine. If you have a question or need help with an art technique, don’t be shy to find us, we are more then happy to help.
Did you get yours ? Tell us about it in the comments below.
- OFFICIAL Diorama Builders BADGE
- 3 of the final designs sent to Lucasfilm
- Vintage Style Iron On T-Shirts. "X" 10 year anniversary logo, Luke sunset
- Vintage Style Iron On T-Shirts. Trooper Foamcore and Han Shot First 🙂
- Baseball Styles were made for the Crew
- Feels like 1977 all over again 🙂
- Close up of the TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY Iron On
- Close up of the LUKE DIORAMA WORKSHOP Iron On
- Close up of the TROOPER and HAN SOLO Iron On
- Our OFFICIAL Celebration VI T-Shirt Art by JASON LOO
- Close up of the Diorama Workshop Celebration 6 Logo
- The bottom part of the Iron On Art by Jason Loo
- The back of the T-Shirt is to look like concert tour dates
- Close up of the Rear Iron On Art by Frank Diorio
- So many conventions - Amazing memories, did you attend ?
- Front and back of our OFFICIAL 2012 T-Shirt
- Philip and Zach showing us the actual shirts right off the press
- Another fun giveawy for the first time was KIDS TATOOS
- Can you find the 6 Tatoo designs ? 🙂
- Can you find the 6 Tatoo designs ? 🙂
- Close up of the JAWA LOVE tatoo
- Close up of the MANDALORIAN tatoo
- Close up of the EWOK PIRATE tatoo
- Close up of the JABBA ANCHOR tatoo
- Close up of the JABBA ARM BAND tatoo
- Close up of the TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY tatoo
- Here is the FULL FRONT IMAGE of our Celebration VI T-Shirt
- Here is the FULL BACK IMAGE of our Celebration VI T-Shirt